Are you interested in making mental health a priority at your High School or Middle School? Dirty Hands Project is looking for Ambassadors to start DHP Clubs around the country. The mission is to be an inclusive club with the goal of educating its members and community about the importance of mental health with a focus on suicide prevention.
Supporting those that are dedicated to ending the mental health epidemic is an important initiative at Dirty Hands Project. Whether you started a mental health club at your high school, plan to go college or be trained to work in the mental health space, or are currently continuing eduction in an area that helps those that are suffering, we want to hear from you.
Power in numbers. That is what will make Dirty Hands Project successful in its vision of playing a pivotal role in ending the mental health crisis in the United States. We invite you all to take part in our fundraising efforts so that we can provide hard-earned scholarships and grants, focus on awareness and education, host community events, and much more.